4 Insurance CRM Software Features You Don’t Want to Miss

3 min readApr 20, 2022

As the options for the best CRM software for insurance agents become ever-expansive, making a choice amongst them can be an overwhelming task. After all, every business has intrinsic needs that are niche to their operations. Accordingly, the insurance CRM software must also shape up in line with the business objectives. If you are in the process of devising such a list of features of a CRM platform to meet growth-related goals, the following are a few functionalities that you must not miss out on.

Analytics and Reporting

In-depth insights can help businesses make smarter decisions. Insurance CRM software should be able to offer analytics and reporting to help businesses keep an eye on their sales cycle. CRM software for insurance agencies can be used for creating customized dashboards for sales, KPIs, and funnels. Businesses can leverage the reports generated by these smart systems to make data-focused decisions and boost their sales success. Moreover, the custom reporting feature allows insurers and agents easy access to the relevant insights.


A majority of insurance CRM software can integrate with third-party applications and systems that the business might be using. For instance, integrating the CRM with a marketing automation tool enables the business to reach out to their prospective customers through an assortment of channels, leading to increased efficiency.

The best CRM software for insurance agents is one that is compatible with the other systems you use. It should easily integrate with the other existing tools to help businesses save time and money. Hence, when considering a new CRM system, look for integrations with marketing automation, email, customer support, social media, and calendar.


Given the rise and popularity of mobile phones, paired with the fact that employees may sometimes require data accessibility while on the move, it is imperative that insurance CRM software is available across multiple devices. Building an app that offers full functions and features as well as mobility will make it easier even for a hybrid workforce where a segment of the employees could be working remotely. It also comes in handy for on-field salespersons who may be on the job but would still require information from the CRM software for insurance agencies.

Unified Dashboard

Data is only as useful as the insights that can be derived from it. It is an established fact that the human brain is more calibrated to consume, process, and retain visual information over any other format. At the same time, this data should be collated and made available over a centralized platform to disseminate information aptly and offer a high-level view of all the ongoing activities. Against this background, it becomes apparent that unified dashboards with their interactive and visual-based elements could serve as this centralized platform.

Parting Words

Do bear in mind that the above list is not expansive and you will have to cherry-pick as per your individual business needs and requirements. Use the above features as a jumping-off point and build on it with time. Eventually, you will come across the best insurance CRM software for your business.




Faheem is an InsurTech specialist & a passionate Insurance Technology Blogger with remarkable experience of 17 years, working with clients all across the globe.